so my blog is kind of fullof negative. and as i am here alive i see soamny bad things happening. but its the mind, curse and the devil and the demons doing it too. so theres alot of negative things going on with my life and town. bad things happen around my town and other towns or in this case my family and facebook friends. i recorded alot of bad things to keep proves ofthese things. i keeprecords as my study of the bad things, fires, harm done. but thsi is my blog so welcome.

page of negativity

these pictures i took for my work and proof the and things happeninjg little and big things.
nicky boy seems to be in a bad mood. anyways i record bad things and i enjoy keeping records of these things. im like a guy that brings them curses but i was told that jeffrey is the evil guy and im the evil guy and im starting to get really pissed at these people taking kermys side and i dont think jeffrey jr knows though. but imma keep harming and attacking through the mind. but the devil once told me that im his son and i didnt believed him but there are terrible chain of events going on which got me thinking could this be something going on? but i have lot of dates of what is going on. and my facebook friends are getting stressed out like irene in kash i think. she got her hair pulled yesterday november 22 2012. but that picture was posted alread just below.
not bad but what the hell thats bad luck on her lil sister baby.
my cousin above the picture gets a feeling shitty. this is just a little of a bad thing i was talking about.but there are times when they get hospitalized too. so harm be done on them.and this happen today. and i see these things happening every day too.
i take these pictures because i need proof of these things. this happen two days aofrom nov 16 2012.
another cousin of mine his girlfriend broke up i think.but this is like how i bring bad luck.
a facebook friend i talk to and the guy he was inlove with or talk to turns out to be the other guys that arent good.
my facebook friends are so unlucky. but you should see the deaths of the 12 people that had occurred within 100 days too.well i think 12 died. but from what i seeing, a baby, a 8 year old boy, two elders, john, a sister in law thomas's sister in law, and others.
i remember few months back in attawapiskat that a plane engine stopped and manages to land safely but they got lcuky and this happned on the november 15 this girl had landed and was her heart beating fast. shes thankful that the plane didnt crash. i asked her what happened in the plane and then she actually didnt answer me on facebook but as a day passes she posts on facebook that there was something slimmy and white and watery and her stomach hurted. so as i commented she deletes the post.. she owes me 20$ too which is why when she was in kash her boy friend broke up but their back together now. and also as she was fidning someone she was understand by thats when she felt this pain. but not sure if she was joking or not though about the pain.
now heres my sister jade that had her eye and she got a needle shot in the eye and she was sick thats why she gotthe shot. but as i am wondering something bad happens to her because of the ediots that angers me outside ofthe family. i was even angered and stressed by my two cousins. frankie said he had a knife but i dont think that was frankie at all but a demon saying it.but he went to the kitchen and in the room to protect him self from me lol. but i think he wasnt holding a knife. as for kermy jeffrey jr he seems to be buggy alittle.
heres the ambulance where dj amandas baby was in. dj broke his arm or injured it deeply.
this is a guy named jeffrey jr. this didnt hurted my feelings but this got me harming alot of people. he was teasing me as i was sitting he called me names like saying im crazy, telling frankie to call the cops on me for his own purposes. look granny calls me ugly and tells me to fuck off.. kind of RACIST dont you think?
heres another picture
now this picture was taken two ot three months ago. a couple or one month ago before jeffrey jr gave me this message that my granny called me ugly. this funeral was either johns, abraham or a old guy. you see how much damage teasing, and being negative could do? a girl i loved actually brought these death upon us all in town. theres videos i have of these funerals too. i was already aware of it as i know what i know.
faith laughs at me and gets this and her foot run over a month later her best friends death occurred alexandrya. and this is what i mean by the summer of hell approaches in 2011. and these satanic symbols i have and will show it to you guys later on and these symbols are evil and affective too. faith is my facebook friend too.
pearl hurted her foot and ended upin the hospital what a shame it is that these people dont listen to what i say and try telling them. i mean were all in danger and my time is running out. as long as im alive we will be dealing with these problems for a long time. but dead or alive this town might be screwed either way.
who falls out of the window?  and carry on reading :)
you know whats funny readers? someone burning a house and it still stands and then she burns it down again to get rid of it. i remember how i fell in the water and i had to run all across town to record it. lorianne told me to never come by her house and she got her wish her house burns down by her sister in anger. this was like 4 or 3 months ago. this picture of this house burnt down twoor three months ago. kind of funny when someone burns down the same house twice.
the thing about kids burning town houses is that teenagers did it too. and these little kids are the ones who were watching me and staring at me. the night the cops were looking for them 4 months back. this little girl knew who i was and i didnt know her. and heres this boy with her this boy knows brady and thats bradleys son and my sisters son. there were about 12 kids that night that were staring at me and sitting. i didnt say anything and just wondered why that little girl said thats him.she was about 9 years old and older. then months later i found out that these kids were trouble maers. i knew where these kids lived too. the brown house, the house near my sisters house, and the debeers trailors. but as i was aware of these kids i wondered who they were and how they knew me. and then one day months after they gathered from november 17 2012 and stared at me well i found out these kids from debeers trailots east side town burnt down a house at the north side of town. and that little boy age of 8 also broke off a stick hanger too at my grannys house.  then as i was at the debeers tralors i saw a car looking for these kids. and then as i was aware of these kids were smoking cigarettes too. and my cousin sharika was alsowith them i think maybe not. so these kids that were gathering and hiding from the cops also were the ones who drew the german symbols. and then theres these three teens that were teasing me and testing me. and then the boy at the debeers trailors lied about their names. and then these three kids that were staring at me few months back from november 2012 were teasing me now which is why they got caught setting that house on fire at the north side of town.not the house of this picture. as for teens i saw about five teens all dressed in black the night there were fires on the garbage can near the teachers house and the other fire that occurred at the east side of town near the ware house. so what people arent aware of is that teens and kids were setting houses and things on fire at the same time possibly. demons tricked them as well as make them think of setting places on fire.
burnt down house once again like the other 8 houses that were set on fire.
this is the boy age of 8 that died from timmins ontario.
funeral from twomonths ago or  three months ago from november 2012.
 ill be adding more pictures if i find more negative stuff :D
these guys saying a little girl with supernatural powers doing this need to go to the mental institude.  little girl do they fuck the little girlor something? they always talk about the little girl too. fucked up guys these people. oh look at the piucture below 4 days later brings death and thats the guy above the picture joseph. ITS THE LIL GIRL! ITS THE LIL GIRL! ATTAWAPISKIOTS ITS THE LIL GIRL! crazy fucks.
shall i bring more deaths. deny me something bad happens. im really mad now. i was the one who drew the traingle of badluck.
 oh yeah bitch losing someone special all because they say its a little girl but they keep it a secret. thinks a little girl is doing this my stupid crazy cousin and stalker.
fuck man she says.. awww so sad,, i shouldnt feel sorry because these people dont deserve the peace they want.
so uhm ihave a jogsaw picture. so i said this i wanna playa game and behave and be nice to me or something bad will happen to someone you know. a guy A guy calls me a sicko yesteday night joseph dies! thats not it also a symbol kills the guy i drew of man. ouuu says a kid is doing this. why dont these ppl fuck the kid or something. these ppl i saw says its the kid. but their lying. their just helping him as always. their always taking his side and then his mother almost or did drink hair spray.
the writing above killed him with the combination of this symbol too.so im really mad at them and this is why i cause them harm.
well my facebook friend lost their love ones, like marissa, abraham sr, thomas, faith, traven, and junior, authony,, and andrew okimaw i think, and tesla maybe. really this is really shitty that these stupids bring negative towards me im mad at these people saying stuff about me secretly. they dont tell my cousins, and friends just others. all lost their love ones in less then 120 days.
wishes she was dead.. you know why i posted these pictures because they called me crazy so i showed them what negative they brought.
missing dawn which is alexandrya in moosonee that died three months ago from november  2012.
 aww lost his best frind and loves her to death. she lost her other best friend and she died her name is dawn also named alexandrya. death is a bitch or in peoples case NO ONE IS DYYYYIIIIINNNNGGGG i was told O_O not gonna take it seriously at all guys since people tells me its fake or more like satanists telling me its fake.just investiagting of what they told me. 
he didnt do shit :D damn amn you know what alot of people does shit to me lying to me saying no one dies, saying its fake, even the guy in the big house says its fake. the little girl in the house i recorded hervoice accidentally saying kermy kermy. who would that be my friends? guess.
hmm what to think of this.. first loses her best friend, then gets her foot runned over, and then gets a bat in her room, then hears someone calls her name, you know what lets skip this and then loses her best friend over a boy.
gtes kicked out of the house in moosefactory...
sprained her thomb badluck and kermy is lying about him doing it so i decided to let the harm gosome more. i thinkits kermy but not too sure. he always says things like this makes me feel like a loser
lost their love ones that sucks deeply and truly.
wow facebook drama this is what i meant about bad stuff going on. even death and injuries happens so serious injuries.
still fighting i see.. gatta love this dangerous game.
 slips alot huh.
and tothe funeral she goe and this is so sad that these people deny what ive said and decided to make things happen through symbols.
thats joseph wesley.. kind of sucky too of what is going on. but im trying to explain to you guys something here.
boy my facebook friends must be stressed by the way with all the badluck. justthink if theyve found out who is really doing this but me im like a news reporter i just report bad stuff and collect informations and alot of info i have too. i have so much studies as i am studying i learned so much about this game history. but as for me the karma or three fold laws got to me and now i have a heart problem.. so if i were to get scared i might have a heart attack.
 now these posts are negative and they arent making it up. i have facebook friends and yet i like it that way when they are negative and thats how they made me these people. they denied me i denied them. so they call me crazy i give a random person a death penalty because i was called crazy. now this is called the satanic trap. it was develope by the devil and i. and as someone bes negative towards me or im negative towards them something negative happens to them serious or not, big or small, silly or normal. the mind actually does this affective curse but im guess the devil is the only onee who can get rid or stop the curse.
flu eh? anyways i have so much knowledge of the paranormal that i learned that there are alot of demons in attawapiskat. people also hears voices in town tooi know three people. and these people were chosen the same way i was chosen to be hearing voices but i want the voices out. so as for me i have lilith and the devil and lilith was said to be a myth but i dont think so because i saw lilith behind me in the picture but i lost that picture. she had her toes cut off and her hand wrist bended. as i saw this lilith the demon i knew it was her in kashechewan. she was all naked too and she had her leg around my chest. this picture was taken in 2009 or 2008 at night.
ahh another funeraland this funeral no one wont forget. anyways as for me i was thinking and thinking and found out when i take pictures of my self late night i look evil and yet the dark side of the face is actually has red eyes ordemonic but i aint sure though. but i dont think these readers will see it if i post it but ill give it a try. i took over a hundred pictures too in the dark. so my work is growing once again. and i like what im seeing too and i no longer care for the ones i get teased by like jeffrey jr he laughed at me because of something embarrassing and hes gonna end up harming himself or harming his love ones and yet these harms done is through my negativity.
now theres somany bad things ive witnessed happening, like fires starting by the teens and kids. but i think there just satanists doing this judging by the evidence of satanic symbols i saw. but i aint too sure and im still investigating and also these three boys may of given them selves away twice meaning that theres satanism going on here in attawapiskat. even im doing satanism well dont really believe in satan but things do happen once i do it.
says go back to attawapiskat. you know the thing about being negative you create more negative energy for the demon toattack again and again. so thisis called the terrible chain of event. look at the pictures of these people. and look at their statuses too. and look what have been brought by evil.
thats the 8 year old boy that died on august 31 2012. this is a terrible chain of event. and yet the devil says im the son of the devil which is why these bad things are hapening. but i dont think im the son of satan. maybe hes just trying to trick me to thinking like that. but then gain there this guy on my facebook that says he hears the devil and he said that the devil is actually calling my facebook friend his son. but i think satanis only doing this to confuse me and my facebook friend.
boy shes really badluck. anyways as i was talking about the devil saying things like what happened few months back from november 2012 when a demon or a guy predicted my future and he claimed that i was the anti christ but it was probably a lie from satan. and satan had me fooled alot of times but now i dont really believe him at all. but i was told for some reason that i will get a heart attack and yet my future could be changed and half of what that guy said already came true. but these people keeps telling me its fake which is why i believe they are satanists or just crazy fucks saying a little kid is doing this.
the most shittiest feeling i have is the demons bugging my ass both day and night. so if i were to die id become a ghost. satan pleasing me like this is good and everything but if my facebook friends found out about this and the peoples of kash, attawapiskat and moosonee finds out theyd probably be really pissed at me. but what i could just tell them is its just a terrible chain of events going on. deaths, accidents etc...
you should see one of my facebook friends mothers toe that broke.. damn must be painful. me i havent broke a bone at all. but although we are dealing with death now and i dont see what death will do to me. but i think ill get shot in the head because satan is claiming that im his son. but i think thats a lie. but you should see jesus arms spreading in the church of attawapiskat. i hearded that it happened twice at the time of the little boy 8 year olds death thats august 31 2012. then they took a picture and saw his arms spread moving downer. so you see what is going on here?
 soo the cursed brings sadness too kind of like hurting their feelings, mentally hurt, or physically hurt too. but as for me i just study these things everyday.
now i think people can change the chain events by them thinking and posting about good stuff. but i dont ignore the bad luck so if you guys are saying positive then it would chain the bad luck. their negativity are doing them harm. now this girl that said her mother broke her toe is actually gonna happen tosomeone else. so someone will break their toe or bones some where in town but i could be wrong.
who pulls a girls hair? anyways as for me im obsessed with these bad things happening. just like a satanist i drew symbols and things happened. like the symbols i drew and the ones i posted on this blog and then the car crashes into a dicth. anyways i still remember drawing the symbols on the ground in front of the church at the time they were playing gospel music and as i drew the symbols there was a storm coming. anyways there was these dark clouds approaching into town and it was getting windy and very windy. and then these kids ruin the symbols so the tornado didnt came instead because the symbols were ruined. but i think not too sure. but then again they started playing music again a month or two later from november 2012 and as i drew the symbols in front of the church of attawapiskat i drew the symbols on the ground and then i saw the snow fall. so this i knew something would happened. and i drew the symbols on the door on my grannys theresa katz and as i finished it went foggy this was this month. and the car crashing into the ditch and the symbols i drew was this month too.
unforgetable shit ehh?
tell them lairs that teased me and lied to me your got what you wanted a LITTLE KID KILLEDA MAN... they said... wow really crazy dont you think? little kid with powers.. well congrat you just killed a guy..
hmm she got her foot runned over few months back fromnovember 2012. she lost her best friend because her best friend died. and then this month she lost her best friend becasuse of a boy. and she hearded a voice call her name last month or two months from november. then no one was there. as things were going well a bat was in her room and she recorded the bat. and as for me i told her a demon was haunting her repeatingly and she didnt believe me at all until she started hearing someone walking around in the house. but teds lies are actually pissing me off and hes always trying to discourage me and hes in the way of your peace boys and girls. and ted is just making it worser saying its a little girl. he means shaneik uh little girl he says and thats just amking it worser. this guy is crazy and he even said a little girl was controlling him using her mind. which really pissed me off when the two girls said they were faking and said that i was acting crazy which is why abraham jr died a day or two after those two girls said i was acting crazy. sowatch your mouth because it could put someone in danger..
bitch she says...
ahh she feels like shit.. but mostly i just bring news like this. my blog will keep on growing. my attacks are every where using the mind. be aware of demons boys and girls.
as for me i just plan so many weird things like drawing symbols and things like that. fiath is one of the people with one of the terrible chain events tied to her. you should see nicky getting mad on facebook. but as for me i saw that a girls mother broke her toe. but i remember at the time there was this large storm system going on in attawapiskat, moosonee, and kashechewan. the storm started right after i walked to the five stores that makes a star. all i had to do is say a few words and it brought the large storm system. its really powerful these things. i even recorded the storms going on and off and the large storm system too. And i was like damn these strom are cool.
atleast people arent dying everyday..although people are dying every month. the devil is behind this evil plan. i know what the devil is planning and thats to get me shotin the head and its nottime yet but its almost time for something to happen too. but as for me i am still wondering why the devil would claim me to be jis son or in this case traven lol. the devil is weird. but as for me i think theres something going on here and i like what im seeing. but let me tell you something. there was this kid that told my mother from outside my mothers room in the debeers trailors hall way that this kid wanted me to kill my self so i think were dealing with satanists. thats the same kid that caused fires few months back. because people spotted those kids starting fires. so as for me i think this is just bullshit of wht they are doing these stupid kids. they drew naked girls on the wall of debeers trailors too. so what is this really? not too sure but they sure are pissed and wants me dead. but i think its because they are trying to turn me evil. but i dont know exactly why they want me dead. but its starting to piss me off too that these three teens and thre little girls bugs my ass.
but these kids bullshit and the three teens helping the kids are causing peoples lives too. so im guessing these satanists dont care at all.
hmm she says fuckfuck you. but i like to keep records and gather more info these things. its like a game for me and i need to avoid fear because if i get scared my heart will get a heart attack kinda shitty too. but trying to survive this bad luck i have too. im always angry and negative because most people teases me as i am here alive. but as for me its not going well and right now that guy that predicted my future about me getting a heart attackis coming true and i think it will come true and i dont like how the future looks. he predicted the future months ago from november 2012.
 laughs like hell.. and his father was bugged by kids throwing rocks at the house..
 this was like three ot four months ago from november 2012.
theres so much badluck and im like oh my.. whats going on? i know satans evil doers.. im like ahh crap satan killed another. and this i dont like but what the hell i might as well just enjoy the entertainment of the evil ediots. so lets see what else is there really? oh look at the dates these pictures were taken too.
 my work just keeps on growing.there are somany unaware of whats going on. a demon is following this girl along with a few others like richards girlfriend. she saw a figure of someone at her room door and then it disappeared and then she started getting stomach pain and im like shitty for her. i even recorded the ambulance too there few months back from november. richard lives in the big brown house and thats one of the kids that were watching me and were staring at me at the night they gathered.
you know what i should do try thinking positive and think of good stuff instead of these bad things occurring to these people..
 ohhh look august 5 2011 and thats the same month abraham died but in 2012. oh as for daivd he died at the time i was working on my symbols of the traingle. and yet i study the affects of the traingle and it harms people like it killed david and i hearded the voices chant at the hour david died. and yet im still wondering what was that about. and that time me drawing the symbols took two weeks and yet brought a crown and two snakes and the red sun.. so it was weird that two weeks that had came in 2011.
oh look the three of my relatives cousins that died in 2006. well one of them died in 2005 but they were told falsely that they died in 2006. 6,6,6.
boy hes been through hell me im going through hell 24/7 and yet people telling me a kid with magical powers are trying to cover the bullshit up of whats really going on here. and imagine this deaths very week happens.. but nah it wont happen i think. be thankful that death doesnt comes every day in the same town. but the devil on the other hand seems to be having fun with these people.well demons are having fun and are stalking my facebook friends. as for irene when it comes to money a demon acts like a mobster and stalks and watches the victim. can you believe this all because shes ignoring me on facebook and didnt give me the 20$.. amazing isnt it? i mean look at her..
 sucks to be her anyways as i study ihope things go well her soon anyways shes been dealing with problems in kashechewan. but i used to deal with alot of people there trying to stay in the game and left the fucking town because they were calling the stupid cops on me but ted wouldnt let me go to jail or was it something else that was preventing me from going to jail? this was in 2010 when they were calling the cops on me and i ended up leaving town and i got really lucky that day i left kashechewan sokash is dead to me now and ill find away to get to them oh right i think i already did.. death comes there twice well they lost their love ones twice and a girl there gets watched by a drunk pervert and almost gets stab and yet a arlin gets attack by a bird, and then here george that was facing a guy with a knife, and travens granpa getting a mild heart attack which gave me the heart attack almost just by thinking of it. so you know its the mind. as i thought of that old man getting a mild heart attack that he was dead it brought a elder in kash to death and then as i thought of it again brings another death named joseph and both died with two weeks from the elder to joseph and they lived in the same down. by the ways as i got the heart attack almost the same day a girl there comes in with a fast beating heart. so you know its the mind doing it..
 so as i noticed each things i do another thing happens. like this if i were to take one step something would happen and it did happen the same way i was doing my writing. so today i said i have the power to do this and something happened. i took a deep breathe and then a dog was barking. so you see this curse also bring positive but only if i think positively but as i think negatively something bad happens and this is the devils gifts too. and yet istudy more work about these things and i learned more and more information as i study it. so the more i learned about these things the more it becomes unbelievable for others. so my studies still grows and my work is still growing. and i manage to curse these people through thinking about them and their acts its like a penalty they get. and demons does this alot of times but its nothing serious wen these things happen but death is serious and it becomes more serious then you think once the devil orders the demons to do things. or is it the mind? im still investigating ted too of what hes doing and yet hes girlfriend is telepathic and im starting to get really pissed at these people that ted knows. but i did have some funny times with the demons and yet demons are to be taken seriously but i dont think they will kill me. but the devil on the other hand might of done something to me already and im not sure what he did to me. but i just need to stay alive and not get killed. so i have my guards up.
 so ted mostly tries to proof me wrong and thisi didnt like at all and just wanna get rid of him.. hes really evil ted and he may of killed people already and hes responsible for the bulshit going on in town too. and yet hes using me to harm alot of these people. but i aint too sure what i should do with him and hes causing alot of problems in my life. he said that theres a evil kid, then he changed it to crazy kid, and then changes it to a monsterly kid. so ted is a child molester as i learned and already fucked kids i believed. im just going what ive noticed. he laughs while saying its the washish meaning kid. and he always mentioned the little girl every time i see him laughing. and he keeps saying she mad and thisbitch is a sicko same as a satanist. i really hate him too and yet im spelling out secrets because this guy is messed up. i dont know his last name but he said hes lucyannes boyfriend but he lied i believe it to be and he pisses me off at times.
 so did you know that theres alot of negativity with my facebook friends. she says that theres 17 people living in one house. that is alot of people. she got her boyfriend drinking on november 24 2012..
i hate headaches even though i never had them. i rarely have headacges me. but i do enjoy my work alot because i know theres so much to write. i have alot of work to do too. and one of the people on facebook today on november 24 2012 got mad and another one got mad too and this one too. shes one of those girls that gains bad luck. demons are real dummies now. but as forme im planning on dong my work as i am here alive.
so this isthe girlthat died alexandrya. and my facebook friends were thinking about their love ones the had lost within 130 days from november 2012. so tesla lost his granpa, abraham lost his son, faith lost his best friend, junior lost his uncle, traven lost his uncle, and frances lost his brother.. and then as i study someone else will die next month again and this is called the attack of the demonic. well thats what i call it. and satanists maybe involved too.. im not involved in the deaths but i witnessed these things occur and i hear about it too. and yet theres alot of people still hurt, and mentally hurt too, and getting into fights and things like that. marissa lost her cousin thast abrahams son. and yet these people still deny what i say. so i came up with this blog to tell them something. and im guessing it might get worser by 2013 of the first month.
so she lost her little cousin shes my facebook friend too. so two of my facebook friends lost someone in their lifes that i talk to. traven and marissa. but i guess i just keep on growing my info every day. and yet my work grows larger every day. as i study these peoples activity they experience problems, loss their love ones and yet i felt like i had to show it to people and tell them whats going on. yeah some people says its just life but i think its just demons doing this because of whats going on. in the few months i noticed some changes in the towns of cree nations too.
  and i noticed somuch negativity going onhere too. i even saw two people getting nagry in ten minutes and these are two completely different persons. i remember that night and yet i was thinking the second guy getting angry was faking but i aint too sure though. but i knew there was something going on right after i saw 6th ambulance with in a few months. but something is triggering these things to happen and i found it i am doing it and it was the curse. its what i think and is what im convinced of. so im convinced that bad things are happening then bad things are happening. but the thing is i cant convinced my self that god is happening because its hard to be convinced.
one thing is for sure first nations are bad luck. imean come on housing crisis, needing a new school. its just that their bad luck gotten worser.. and yet her boyfriend drinks first and then his son. but you should see the beers found in attawapiskat shes in kash irene. but  theres a bright side to this badluck will it could turn positive if i were to let it be i mean convincing my self because this curse i have is really powerful. but with people teasing me and all i dont think i dont want to stop the bad luck and just enjoy the entertainment the demons brings me.. although i was almost killed by satan him self by giving my a hell of a painful fast beating heart. so if i were to get scared my heart would beat faster and it might get alil painful. this is due to the three fold laws im guessing. i harm someone with magick it comes back to me three times as much.
 booze gets taken away and yet i was wondering why should i help them and yet im the only one that can end the badluck. but i think the devil wants me to say yes but i dont know what he means by saying yes and say yes to what?
speaking of asshole theres assholes killin people now.. now thats sick..
 bullshit.. what can i say about bullshit.. okay heres one teds bullshit killed three people on august 31 a little boy named abraham jr nakogee.. his bullshit says it all. well he says its the lil girl. he will never stop talk about his lover girl the lil girl with super powers.. hes mentally crazy but telepathic more like teledicks.
 you know how many bullshit had came all because of attawapiskiots denying and teasing.. im not gonna let them win and theyll just get more pain and hurts every day because of their bullshit. and yet these fucks things its a lil girl making it happen.. these telepathics are crazy mentally. they hear voices these peoples too and yet i hear the devils bitches. especially ted the lesbien.
 a little saddy eh?
but i do know why these people are getting hurt.. its a chain event meaning it will repeat but not the same victim it moves to another victim as it is the demonic that attacks. as for me i was attack once and almost gave me a heart attack. its the mind that causes it. so i could harm my self too. and yet i still have alittle amount of power and i try to find ways toincrease this power but i cant. thats the devils gift the mind power.
in october 23 A guy was lost and then found. lucky him that guy but a attack happened to two souls a elder and joseph wesley. these attacks are not sickness its demonic entities and other attacks. oh right the symbols in my home page in this blog brought the evil into town and thats not al i may of accidentally put a curse into town. but remember attawapiskat people are crazy or theyre just covering it up somehow. if their trying to cover it up then the non-satanists are being attack and the satanists are only watching why demons are doing the work.
theres are just one of the victims being haunted by demons because this girl ignores me the same way faith disrespects me. so you know demons always haunts these people and gives them badluck. and yet these cursed victims arent gonna be too happy of what is happening.. and look at norma she slipped on the stairs.. kinda shitty what these people are facing. but the crazy fucks outside in attawapiskat are still tempting me.
 well heres louie i really like him. but anyways harm wil always come in cree nations ways. so first nations are badlcuck a fortunitely.. kindof sucky for them and i too. im full of negativity so negativity comes to gods ediots..
 ahhh the baby will be okay.
bad heache she says. and damn this is shitty when a guy comes with a gun in atttawapiskat and damn deadly that guy. love this event more then the car crash in the ditch three days ago.
she lost her grandpa two months ago or last month. now imagine this a guy with a gun walking around and shooting outside. shitty ehh?
 im like whoa!!!! thne i thought of my symbols i drew last night.someone broke the symbol that led to the shooter.. shitty my symbols brought a guy with the gun..
in attawapiskat.
boom bang! i like that. satanic magick did this shit man. i dont know why would this happen but its gonna get more badder then you think.. but i think i know how to stop the negativity.. either i tell him to stop, or i find love, or just think of positivity.. theres ways you can stop this and my believe is harming people.
wow gunshots in attawapiskat she says. thats deadly and dangerous. it was a shotgun im guessing. what more is there to the curse? but you know i was teased last night and i was teased and it hurted makes me wanna end the world but noooo. anyways heres another status about the gun shooter.
heres a bringer downer. a girlon the east side of my grannys house says im calling the cops.. i certainly hope she didnt mean cock.. but uhm she sounded unhappy with me.. i told her it would get worser. she acts like she cares of the shooter but she doesnt shes one of those satanists fuck heads. i never met a satanist but ted himself. but as for the others they are unknown to me.. so uhm theyre bring this town to a terrible shit.
her knees she says. you shouldve seeing the shooter didnt see the shooter but im sure people did as they saw him/her shoot a shotgun. kind of shitty when these things happen. but peoples negativity are bringing this event up. i call this the shooters event.
 im like a new reporter uhh!
shotgun ehhhhh a gunner..
so im thinking why that person had a gun and i was like oh it must be the symbols. so my work involves magick now. and yet i was just bored and i drew the satanic symbol kind of random and brought a guy with a shotgun. did you know theres alot of demons in town? but this bitch that thinks theres a little girl doing this is actually calling the cops on me. why? illegal magick? if there is of course. but anyways im still studying my work and yet it still grows and the guy with the shotgun is my favorite now :D
rest<3in<3peace kookum you will be missed i wll always love you and ill see you at the gates of heaven.. thats what she said. sorry my camera is fucked had to use a cellphone for my work.
heres what it says 'rip, martha :('
i  said the demons were plannig attack wellheres the attack martha sutherlands death.believe it or not. its just my work and studies that shows this.now look at the tow pictures the one above and the one below and lookat the dates of these twopictures.
 so you see how this is? i just wrote it knewing that someone will die again. and i knew it because satan and the demons did this evilact to murder and kill a old lady. and this was shitty too and i was mad. so demons always listens to me and does things for me.
 heres a clearer picture of the rip martha thing. and i gatta say i hope shes in peace. but me posting the my symbol actually killed a old lady actually pissd off louie rickard.. hmm shitty.
ims so sad and so mad, but i should bring more harm becuase alot arent nice and calls jeffrey the evil guy so i decided to showthem more evil. and yet calling me a monkey is just gonna upset me some more. but more harm done. and yet they call me crazy because theyre ediots that doesnt believes me soi bring more harm to them all.
 i wanted to give up until i learned i could do more harm to them and yet alot of bad things happen. im kind of messed up me but i still do these things because these fuck heads teass me and mocks me secretly and yet this is what they brought.
aww rip he says.
why is it that alot of people teases me, mocks me and yet they have respect for the dead.. disrespect the dead bitches!
now these people that tease me changed me forever and then i show them evil and yet i wanted to lose the evil and yet the evil is still here which is sucky. there will always be evil in our lives and theyll keep taking lives away as we live. and thats when people arent happy. so im kind of evil my self thats how these people made me few months back. and to make things worser they lie to her and this really pissed me off. so i bring them pain and sadness.
so here i am saying yuppie...
 theres so many bad things that had happened lot in cree nations communities and yet theyll be really pissed of me after they find out what i brought to our world or maybe its just my ind doing it..
ive been like that for weeks months ago and then all that change and bring evilness into my life and harms alot. it will always be bad when it comestoalot of demons helping me and yet as a tricky guy i fool the into doing things and yet they manage to kill 5 people through the penalties they will get.
well i think shes calling me crazy when i posted the picture about martha sutherland.
as for the picture below im not sure if youre gonna see it but if you dont then the molester ted is fucking covering it up. i know he had sex with shaneik because i know him.. so ted is a child molester as well as fucking kids that are satanists. i know this because im one of those satanists and yet ted is always fucking around. dead serious. oh this is a video recorded months from november.
heres the ambulance and yet i know its rare for kids to be satanists but i hearded these kids tease me like fuck and yet they seem to know german symbols very well. so they are satanists. they know a guy named ted. and yet one of the teens i  hearded say fuck sonny and this  teen was talking to a 7 year old. but i dont know how she knew sonny boy.. but i guess theyve been stalking my family for years.. but the picture above is what they do harm and kill people. they must have sex or masturbate to raise their energy. and they need to raise their energy for more power and demonic gifts.
 and puff a kid from debeers trailors that drew the german symbols did it.
kids teases me this comes embrace god... oh right if you dont see anything in the picture then well uhm the demons are covering it up. when i show too much evidence the ediots cover it up.
heres davids funeral from last year. shitier it gets it was said by my cousin they seeing david three months back from november 27 2012.
 ambulance going to the hospital because of dj going to the hospital and yet i show much evler shit then you ever could imagine.
 dog fight!! ooon a funeral day :/ or theres no dog? i shown these videos to george and he says he didnt see the ambulance can you believe that guy? i do. this is why i dont know if this is real or not but looks real to me.
house that was set on fire. the same night another house was set fire in the same street. evil genius at the debeers were doing someting using the german symbols. i know this because i was thinking about the german symbols and then one day later i seeing these german symbol around the debeers trailors. my investigations shows that they were watching me for a long time and yet demons possessed them satanists and yet made them know what your thinking of. so theyve been watching me. i even hearded a kid say my dad while thinking about marthas death. so their satanists. these voices are in low voice and so hard to hear them and i was able to hear this kid say it loudly.. or these are voices i dont know. im just telling you guys what i think. im not telling you guys they are satanists but it shows that they might be satanists. this picture was taken days or weeks before the other fires below and lights.
there was another fire in the street on the night few months back but im guessing you wont see anything but what the hell this is just my work and im guessing you dont see the lights but what the hell im still posting it. this picture was taken days or weeks before the picture below.
this is another picture from days or weeks from the other pictures from the above. theres always fires going on. and the town was kind of messed up when these satanists came.
i dont really take things seriously but when i dont people will be pissed. but as i study my heart is gonna give out if i get really scared. well no chance surviving the zombie apocalypse :/.
i have to say when i say theres death the laugh its like theyre laughing a death and yet they laughted and brought three deaths within three weeks.. i tried killing my self once because they were making me feel like shit. then satan gave me little amount of power and yet the gift actually brought deah more then 13 times. cree nations are fucked.. even telepathically i think.
funerals are good but when it comes to going inside i feel like shit. i mean the eyes gets heavy, the breathing becomes uncomfortable its like im possessed and just think if i were to get angry i get more shttier :/.. demonized people are delusional im guessing..
some where that side another fire started within a few weeks.. but let me just tell you if you dont see anything then it means demons are covering it up.
and this is what i mean by badluck of attawapiskat. and yet cree nations are bad luck. and bad luck everywhere in other towns comes from attawapiskat. and yet theres alot of harm done thank god no one burns in these empty houses that these kids burns. crazy insane kids they are. you should see the teenagers burning down vehicles. dangerous what they did few months back from november 27 2012.
picture this a girl telling you not to come by the house and then her wish is granted. my father was pissed or atleast he acts like it :/ or these demons just does this to make me happy? well she says dont come by my house.. then her house burns down.. twice.. whoburns down a house twice? her sister did it loriannes sister. shitty ehh? demons works for me and yet attacks the ediots against me. hopefully you see the house that is burned bad. i was like oh look the girls i smoke weed with actually got their home burned down by a little kid that she got mad..
satanists these days can you believe thme ediots cursed my aunty? i mean look at the other side of the street..
satanist harming her pissed me off few months back. not the driver or anyone else. no one got hurt here. i just got really mad at someone when they hit her.. anyways then this happens after.. i mean the thing about satanist is them facing me. they get harmed through the mind and yet thats the satanic trap and curse i have. thats why the kids that were teasing me got caught setting the fire i posted above. heres the houses they set fire the picture below..
i know those kids smoke but i wonder if they thrown away the cigarette and this started lmao.
 shes mad at me? hmm not too she but she told me yesterday on november 26 that im fucked.no joking satanicly fucked.
gabriel koostachins funeral not the youngster the old man. shitty how he died in 2012 and three months ago well almost four months ago from november 27 2012.
the towns on fire! and yet these kids stay up that early? or was it another cigarette? but ido know whats going on here. just right behind me is the letter F and the F stands for fire. and in this street three houses were set on fire. meaning one, two, three fff fire meaning standing for FFF.. i think thats a satanic sign. i call this the street of the burnt houses.
what a guy you know whats weird a house that burnt? its close to the debeers trailors. so uhm these kids smoke i know. i didnt know them at all but they asked me for a cigarette in the debeers trailors too. and yet they tested me these kids which is why they gotcaught setting house on fire. but here this the knife they put on the wall was fucked. and they accused me these teens. shitty ehh? but heres the thing respect and mind your own damn business and we be okay. i saw the kids father once and i said hello and he moved his head to the right. few days later a guy or old man ends up in the hospital and this woman was that kids girfriend or wife. i think i said something. fine ill curse you then i said and yet he gets curse someone he knows ends up in the hospital days or weeks later. but i could be wrong about the woman maybe thats someone else. ididnt took things seriously at first when i said ill curse him. and then i did ;)... i remember saying im the evil guy thats when he moved his head tothe side and moved it back i remember now.
you know the funny thing is these kids dont know demons are doing this. their ideas were demons ideas the same way the guy walking around with a knife few months back from november 27 2012. this was insane you hear the guy walking around with a knife..
donations for gabriel koostachin the old guy and not the youngster.
rip alfred lazarus.. louie told me to give respect to the dead...
 the samenight the house was on fire.. kind of shitty when its your house. be glad no one was there in the house.. i think. but heres the thing thre town is cursed and yet alot been harmed as i study it.
house fires these days and yet i still think so many of these badthings are fucked. but the thing is you might not see the lights but i do. and yet were all in trouble here in town. i would warn them but they wouldnt listen theyll justthink im crazy. 4 lives were lost on november 2012. and yet were still here alive and i really want her back but fuck it i might as well just keep attacking ahhh..
fucken hurt stupid. more like death comes and comes and comes alot.. looks like satanists had attacked another girl agnes iahtail.. she died and passed away 27 november 1:30pm..
shiity house on fire anyway where i go. this picture was taken in moosonee. and if you lookat the dark cloud thats the smoke.
well there goes another one. shitty, now heres a sign no power.. meaning that they have no power and yet i ahvent to be the survivors. this i call the chain of deaths. its chained and more deaths happens and it gets worser then you think. another had died on november 27 2012. the guy telling me that he will call the cops on me last night actually killed em. shitty eh? rip girl.. i think i saw her name on fecebook not too sure. its a satanic trap were dealing with. okay okay im a trickster a creature that causes bad lcuk and harm. jk. anyways i like to play this kind of game and yet its dangerous you hear? messed up too. but then again you may not see the name so this would be fucked. demons does this all the time.its my work and it gets more deadlier in the future.
 :O old man sicken was there and died!
even a satanist would play gospel music to make it look normal. he shouts and and says your not the evil guy. meaning that hes saying jeffrey jr kataquapit is a evil guy. he knows that hes a child molester. well! hope you know what i mean! ill talk about these ladies at the debeers trailors next. they laughed saying washish it means kid. and yet they were satanists working for satan. they act like they believe in god. but when they go into a church all they must do is think about satan. they say its a little girl because theyre crazy and yet satanists that seems to give me bullshit. they dont need satanic stuff physically but they use a astral temple. and yet theyre gonna call the cops on me for saying that they said its a kid that murdered agnes, and martha. but mr evil kermy then is fucking things up andyet he likes little girls too. and the other ediots knows it and worships him like god telling me kermy is the evil guy.. telling me im crazy and kermy is the evil guy. they always say these things these satanists. and yet kerneik alsoknwos shaneik possibly. its what i know.. im a trickster not a satanist. and yet i trick these satanists todoing stupid stuff. there was this kid saying its my dad. theres proof look at the photos.
yeah but how doyou know if agnes goes to hell? im going to hell for sure thanks to satanism. you should see how much evil there is in this town. i witnessed its power and affects of its curse. its like a evil force and yet its larger then us and it gets more pain forus to feel.
ahh death will alway come and so let it be. and yet there was death by the order of evil.
shoes gets stolen...
theres pain.. thats my gain and yet i bring them harm and they are unarmed and yet one was armed and no one was harmed that day but that person cant stay because its not okay. so it tell them to obey and they disobey so this isnt okay. i tell them toleave me alone and then one was deathed by satans choice and yet its the mind he says. and i asked to stop and yet he didnt stop. shouts my name and he will just harm another one like his mother almost drank hair spray and his mother gets beaten up and his father goes to jail again because his mother lied. and jeff wouldve cried if his mother died and yet i bet he wont because hes that evil. and yet he turned me evil and in all sorts of ways because i was made fun of, lied to, teased, being told lies, being told theyll call the cops and yet theirmouths are just making things worser.
shits going all the way down to hell in the future and yet alot of harm been done through my work and mind and thinking. it is said that thoughts are really powerful and yet my thoughts can predict little events as well as predict what will happen soon thats death or is it the mind doing it? i know when i was convinced these guys treated me like a fucking monster. monster they say even the dogs were scared lmao. fucking demons these days orif my convincing actually doing the harm, the bad luck, the symbols that accidentally killed forthe third time? if im convinced it happens and it stays that way until im nolonger convinced. i guess thats my other gift.
 calls me crazy and this comes up.. as a trickster i see these things and yet it hurted when he called me crazy! oh i may of did something tohimbut not sure if its gonna work but it would be fun if something happens to him lmao..
 so i still see these negative things happening to people. and yet when i look for things like these i start to see these things and yet its like asking them to happen. but my work gets bigger and bigger and yet this blog seems to show that howmuch negative stuff are here. but kermy is using a satanist to make him self look like the evil guy when im working and not kerneik.. but as i know more harm will be done as soon as i say go!. and i already said go.so you know like i said imnot gonna do a thing they will meaning their attacking eachother and they dont know it at all. theyir teasing, bullshit towards me is causing them harm everyday just like when i go to the hospital at night and i see them people hospitalized in the drama room or emergency room. so as i was there at the hospital i saw people. martha sutherland was there at the hospital of attawapiskat. and yet i said she would die this month and yet she did. my prediction was correct as it is. and yet theres too much harm done here. if they continue to hide from me then theyll continue harming them. if jeffrey continues his bullshit and then he continues his bullshit of killing these people like martha, joseph, and agnes and alfred. hes killing them all because of my anger. and yet these harm done is through the mind.. meaning that if i were to get angry then something happens. more deaths is on its way and thats a attack from these satanists. their teasing me and stressing me on purpose to cause harm to others. if they have satanic protection then a family member not protected gets attacked by the negative entity. the attacks arent serious, but when i act serious it becomes serious. and yet my anger is like a ime bomb and bring hurts, pain, even badluck. so teddia the fucked a kid actually walks by my room telling me shit like its the little girl. and yet this was months ago from november 2012. it was before i found out he was a satanist. so i found out there are satanists in town and yet hes one of them. so this guy is from kashechewan and yet ifound out the church was comdaminated and theres was mold. these satanist did this on purpose to get rid of the church in kashechewan.
 so heres a molester saying im lying youre wrong. when i predicted the future he said im wrong when i  was right. the molester is crazy teddia my biggest enemies yet. and it grows bigger my work and yet im still needing to work and its almost as if when i think about the bad i see the bad. like how i was talking about a girl and then i saw the girls name. its called the reminding ability also the gift behind the deaths and harms and yet you guys are causing it through me.this is just a curse from the devil. but not sure if this is gonna work but lets see.. ill say.. its BAD 3:33pm november 28 2012.. see if i see the word bad but i think this isnt how it works but its a experiment. see if today or tomorrow i see the word bad on facebook...
so i dont knowif i already added this picture but as i am here i just gatta keep adding pictures and this girl misses her bestfriend that died. and abraham misses his son that based away on august i think 2012 and yet another one was thinking about his grandpa.. but his grandpa actually passed away long time ago i think. but that was sadness alright soihad to add it tothis game.
so much sadness man. but as for me itold him more will die next month and yet the bullshit these satanist try doing is actually attacking the victims that are negative to me. i mean these satanists arent trying to make me happy they just keep cursing the people that are negative to me and yet they dont know its the mind doing it. so you know the satanists dont know what they are cursing and their cursing the victims and yet the victims that were negative to me. so as for me as i got mad at my father and unlce thats when pauline crashed into the stairs. i got upset by dj and yet he broke his arms, and then i sharika was negative to me she burnt her back and this i didnt know how she did that. but as i am here its the mind doing this. i didnt do a thing it was the mind power curse thing. kind of satanic i guess and yet powerful and its affecting peoples lives. iteven comes back tome three times as much meaning the heart problem was one of the things. its the three fold laws. use magick for evil and harming it comes back to you three times as much. thats black magick.
i think i already added this one anyways rip martha sutherland.
november 26 this picture was added 2012. deadly cramps she says and yet i think im just bored and just posting pictures of these negative things and yet it will grow bigger my blog.
wow just wow my facebook friends still dont expect a thing and yet the yahoo answers people told me tokeep my mouth shut. but i had to tell and it gets bigger then this too.
i need to keep adding pictures because i need as many as proof for my work. this is like a news blog and it brings alot of evil into this town my blog. just believe me and you will see what i mean.. hope you guys are be okay with me taking pictures of the cree nations badluck.. and yet attawapiskats school gets closed down in 2000. this was due to demons doing this to take the old school for them selves and yet thei demolieshed it which is why two people that in that town attawapiskat. brendon kioke and a dehydrated guy. but i still work for my hobby. but heres what ive noticed. the old school closes down in year 2000. and then as i am here i started hearing voices in year 2010. so thanks guys for demolishin gthe old school in attawapiskat the demons followed me back home to kashechewan which is shitty. and yet these demons tried accessing kaylas soul and mind few months back in 2012.
the the martha died was the day she said shouldve told you too late now. and yet theres alot of harm that will still be done. and bad lcuk. and me im just investigating these things and it grows bigger my blog and yet they still think im crazy and yet imma keep them attacking eachother. the only reason why agnes iahtail was dead is because of louie and arlin and yet other ediots disrespectful.
 i recorded the same house fire that had happened thenight those kids were setting houses on fire. there usually things this negative in town now.its like demons treats me the king or is it the mind? but heres the thing i would be against god but i aint too sure about it though. imnot on satan or gods side so i plan to try to get rid of satan and get rid of my enemies me. but i have alot of enemies now so i have a big plan. make my gifts more stronger and active and attack em all. i just need tolearn how to use it. but crazy ted already molested a kid as i felt and got feelings of because i can feelthings and it happens the same way i felt that someone will die next month.
you know when i posted about the ps3 breaking well? this is what i mean by the mind pwer thing. it happens even though idont know it happens in town and yet its like a event happening and yet its gonna get bigger then ever. i mean just like a muscle it gets bigger as i use it. meaning why there was death. i bet and i think its gonna get worser and yet thats the satanic gift.
what sucks more is people and i mean satanists calling him kermy the evil guy and yet i was the one who brought up the curse and the three deaths this month and those three detahs were because of the symbols but the three guys that caused their death accidentally through the mind and my mind and the symbols. the three are joseph and martha and agnes. joseph lived in kashechewan another town i hate mostly because the way they act.. oh lucyanne wynne is the girl that says she doesnt has a boyfriend and yet ted acts like she has a girl friend named lucyanne wynne but lucyanne is saying hes lying. so heres the girl that is sisters with lorianne and yet loriannes house burns down twice in three months.. who burns down a burnt house? so you know theres alot of bad luck going on in my facebook friends lives. even they lost their love ones too. so lucyannes house burnt down after they told me to never come by her house she got her wish and yet her wish was granted.
not a native but a facebook friend yet the one i talked to and yet they still dont believe im a trickster but i call my self a trickster because i keep tricking my self into harming a and yet even bring death accidentally through people. if ted just shuts up we wouldnt have this big ass problem we call death and yet my work still grows. just think how bug my work will be in a month from now. so my work still grows and yet this is my life seeing the bad luck happening or is it normal now?
after she talks to me this happens..
so she feels like shit.. wow boy bitch says im gonna get cancer kermy. so the fuck head is evil and yet tries to kill me with cancer. like i said if i were to be convinced then it happens.. you know what kermy try fucking my sister jade at the age of 8 in 2008. hes fucked this sicko.
so sehet gets cursed and yet to make this worser she gets pissed off.
i mean look at the picture.
shitty it gets and yet worser my facebook friends gets. and yet luck of badluck wont leave them alone until i stop thinking about it. and yet i think imma do something about my cousin kermy and yet if im convinced then it happens. kermy will attempted to do stupid shit again and yet kermy will have to pay the prize harming the son. very soon or not..
so picture this a rapist calling the cops and yet the cops listens to him. fuck head man. seriously hes a real asshole. all i do is enjoy my life and my work then his penis shows up and starts talking about ahh its the kid. i bet he gets horny when he thinks about the little girl. hes one of the satanists. and he said today that your have cancer and if i get cancer imma kill the asshole because that molesting champion doesnt deserves to live. if hes gonna hurt me imma kill him because hes a asshole that cant keep his dick off little girls.. seriously hes a sicko. like i said i have a gift and if i were to be convinced 100% imma just kill the ediot because this gift can kil me and this molester is causing my problems and yet he tries to say things like, im acting crazy, and says when i do something involving paranormal he says i did it. and yet he said HA SHARIKA! and he was probably horny this fuck when he said her name. sharika is my little cousin. and yet the kids believed the fuck head and yet he talks to kids too i bet. thats how he is this sick fuck.. so hes starting to piss the shit outta me.. so if i get cancer imma kill him if the cops dont take the bitch away to montieth.. im getting really mad at the so called evil molester.. i know i would get in trouble if i were to tell but i have no choice to tell because this fuck head is giving me problems and he would lie to the fucken cops too. even he claim to say hes psychic and told his brother to call the cops on me. and frankie tried calling the cops but they were busy i think and yet satan prevented the ediot from doing it. and yet frankies bunishment is a baby almost getting hit by the fan, and yet his arms burns, and then the baby falling down while standing up. so then more worser his father goes to jail again because he beats up his wife and yet his wife almost drink hair spray. im not happy of talking about is fucked up family. but i know hes a liar and yet he would lie to grandmother too. hes a real asshole! but im not gonna kill him at all.. even i know that.
calls me crazy and yet another one that calls me crazy is the family of satanists. they drew these german symbol on the walls and yet they are just kids and yet they seem to know what those german symbols are and yet they were attacked by the curse few months back from november. and yet the curse isnt really cares about satanists and yet satanists gets attacked alot. and as i try telling on them while discusing it on a video documentation one of the demons spoken and said what are we dealing with and yet they were talking about me and yet they eat people using animals in the woods for people like me. so heres what happened few years back from november 2012 a guy got eaten near fortalbany and yet his head was missing and i bet he knew something about the town too. and heres this last year or two years ago someone in winter dies on the winter road between attawpaiskat and kashechewan. but i could be wrong about a guy getting his head eaten. but if he was near the woods then there we go. they handle these people like this when they are about to find out something about these things. its just a theory and this theory i brought up is just one of my studies. but i just keep on studying and yet these people that died was like sickness. i mean in 2008 alot of elders died in attawapiskat. one of the elders were moses sr sutherland. now heres the guy that tells me things like its alittle kid and yet he lies. im just going through what i had invesitigated.these three boys were hiding in the bushes a minute after the ambulance arrived at the east south side of town. there were three of them. and then the ambulance stopped by my best friends house because of these guys hiding in the bush. and then a month or two later these three guys shows up running in a formation of three in a line that poins to easta and west from that day my heart gotten sick meaning that if i get really scared i would get a heart attack.
 they are still unaware of what i want to show them and yet there are alot of things i showed them and still dont believe what i told them. so a trickster tricksters brings badluck or in the devils case his son and yet this is a event. if hes breaking up more people somewhere around me or my facebook friends are breaking up. im just guessing im not sure if its really happening.but if it does then this means this is a chain event. and its grows bigger and the more negativity the more negativity comes its ways.
yeh fack.. i wanted to talk to wilbert and yet blocks me for my posts im guessing.. guess he seeing what was coming. but he cant avoid it. something bad will happen to him and he will see it. anyways my work here is kind of cool. not bad and yet its evil and yet attacks people and they are attacking eachother through me and they dont even know their attacking eachother. well some people knows. thats the satanists man. so my work here is still growing and yet i think ill be adding alot more pictures soon but not too sure what will happen for sure but its nothing good.
so the perosn slipped.heres something to thinkabout norma slipped too and she was sore. so this happens and yet this person slips..you know whats funny? the jokes are on them..
aww thats bad never wanted to existed she says. i wanted to die me and yet i found away to be strong thats to make these people attack eachother and curse eachother through the mind of a trickster
shitty he says he got beaten up and yet he did by someone in his school.
gets scared.. huh.. you know how hard i work for this blog. i just keep revealing big secrets me and yet my knowledge i learn i talk about about. but doyou know how much evil i brought. its a curseof this town and yet the mind and thoughts are very poweful and thats the kind ofpower im using. but the thing is the events cant stop unless i think positively and yet if im always facing bullshit from these people. so even though if i get rid of the demons there are the lazy fuck heads humans.
chats acts dumb she says.. remember willow said something about the chat box will thegift had been trigger as it was always triggered. says something about the chat willow and yet this girl talks about the chat bow going wrong too. or in this case dumb.
just karma coming back to me he says. and yet im facing a big ass problem here and on november 30 2012 and yet ted tries to say bullshit towards me and yet he gets walker to get hurt.
sad face..lol!
 hell yeahh!! im glad the bitch lost her grandfather.. ted was pushing it when he mentioned that jaslene was in the house andyet he says she has SUPERNATURAL powwweeeeerrrrrrrrssssssssss!!!!. ted is fucked man he thinks about little girlsalot. first a beautiful little girl and then says something about another beautiful little girl and yet talks about the kid another lil girl and then he talks about jaslene next.. how horny can he get!! ohh great walker falls on the floor all because of anger.. ted is making me sicker then kermy eating his own sperm..
 i just dont know anymore.im like a news reporter too i tell and talk about the badluck of this town. but i remember in a town where the devil made a deal with people and yet alot of them made a deal which brought the town bad luck. but theres seem to be so much harm too. and yet the mind is causing it. but heres the thing the thing is i must die in order to stop the bad luck i guess. its just a guess. but kerneik on the other hand is in the fucken way of your peace and yet alot of harm will be done because of his negaticity towards me. he just needs to stop teasing me and bugging me and will be okay and yet its gonna get worser and its annoying when someone bugs you alot. es[ecially when he uses anyone even kids. and yet that kids father actaully got beaten up and a srious fight begin because that kid was against me and lying too. even with a kid being negative something bad will happen.. so there will be moew harm done as soon as i get negative thoughts from people. and yet teddiathe rapist and child molester says the kid is mad. and yet he worships a kid and yet he brings you fucks death and pain. and yet the pain were in is enough as its more deaths. its like the fucking worship this so call god kid. and yet these fucked up satanists never leave me alone. another attack is being planned again. ted attacked the family of frankie kataquapit.. and yet the mind was also doing this. my gift..
sadness comes sadness comes and yet it comes more and more because a of crazy guy that thinks a little kid is like god hurting the fucking town and yet another guy that used a kid just to proof to his brother he has powers and yet he cant even protect his own brother and yet gets beaten up his brother and it might as well just get worser and hope his family dies soon because his family is more fucked up including a 14 year old sister thats pregnant i was told.. ohright i learned that demons are attacking people that knows me too and yet the cree nations community.
did another old lady die or is she talking about martha.. i would actually help you gusy but you guys say its fake so you guys dont deserve my help so uhm good luck withyour next death this month december 2012 :/..
fuck fuck fuck he says.. i know who would fuck and yet he bbugs me alot. he cheated on his girlfriend too or was she his ex? i dont know. but i know alot of things and i gather and listen in of what people are doing and saying. and yet alot of bad things happens in attawapiskatthe cursed town and yet anyone connected to that town brings badluck to their town.
not too sure if hes being negative and yet i think i need to keep adding more pictures and yet i think these guys wont be too happy about the pictures i posted.
i think im going to be adding more pictures and more pictures as i write. another thing about the demons is they never stop bugging my facebook friends. and yet they give them bad luck and the gift is also doing the harm and bad luck. likei said its the gift which is why the demons are acting up.
its fake they say :O but people arent saying its fake and yet they say its fake.. dahell.. 666.. i. delitur villrilk nitreck nitedrence mense...
 so heres this girl and yet she says doesnt knows ted and yet ted says he knows lucyanne.
and yet more satanists are mad at me for telling their secrets and yet i was laughed at around in the am at 3 or 2am december 3 2012. and theses people bugging me are just demons in disguise and satanists they are. and yet these satanist are telling me that its the kid  but its a lie. they listen to the voice recorder of a kid near me when they record me they hear someone in the record a kid and yet thats how these non-satanists thinks its a kid when its a demon an yet satanists knew that they are demons disguising thier voice as a little kid and yet thats their plan.
well.. heres agnes funeral and yet agnes iahtail was dead as fuck because last night before her death a guy said he would call the cops and yet gets this shit head in the coffin! lmao.. rip agnes :(.. i dont know her but what the heck i decided to you know say rip..
heres the tv of the funeral of ignes iahtail.
there was another attack few months backin 2012 in the summer i think.and yet this is some serious shit in the cree nations giving bad lcuk. or was it my gift that cause the fire or demons? i mean the devil might be planning something big and yet people mocking me and teasing me are starting to piss me off and yet makes me wanna hurt them but i cant theyll get hurt anyways thats why the other most of the satanists up to 20 doesnt bug me that much just tells me things and tell me lies.
so i realized something here i think im being lied to by alot of people and yet this guy predicted my future that if i go to moosonee i would be lied to and teased too.
hmm if this is bad thats for calling me crazy guy and saying you will block my ass. errr..
thats just silly and yet shes pregnant too shes one of my facebook friends i talk to one facebook. but we dont talk at all anymore just some times.
 well she deletes my comment and yet this is what she got almost breaking her laptop and yet this is badlcuk..
oh look wow not bad but what the hell.
well i shouldnt care and i dont but heres the thing stop being meanies and were okay!
 well heres fabiola!
dont worry im crazy im crazy im crazy im crazy im crazy imcraZY IM CRAZY iM crazy Im CRAZy. REaLlY cRAzY AS fUck YoU heAR dO YOU???
WHY oH wHy is there evil in here.. and yet i get teased alot and yet im always teased and this is how i became this evil and yet i dont do a thing but the gift does and Itd BAsed ON whAt You do guys. YouR behavior and yet the behavior of you guys affecting me is the gift of the devil. CRAzY CraZY CRazy!!!! bitches ur all fUCKERS.
OU wHaT To You THiNK Is STuPiDER? PeoPle THinkINg MONsters Or DeViL?
so pictur This a GirL plAying DeaD RING A bell? liars man its fake tHEy said and yeT teLLs me Its faKe no ONE dyINg but their LyiNg.
i should take orders of these satanists dont you think. well as a trickster they think the mind is already doing it which is why demons are attacking because i think about the bad stuff which is why bad things are happening. the gift is actually why satanists are dumb attackers i guess.
Gods hands ehh? damnnn.
 so here i am thinking that they think a kid killed john cena.. boy what is wrong with these people in my town or in this case the dumb satanists..
i think i scared wilbert away or not.
cutting his hair he says and yet i need to cut my hair my self too my grandmother says so.
 woooow whats next??
so on october someone went missing in kashechewan and months later in december 2012 another goes mssing and yet he was founded. but heres the thing theone in kashchewan was found too. both got lucky and yet im guessing in two months someone will go missing again. im just guessing since its like a chain event..
uhm fuck hate this..
 hmm what to say...
adding more pictures later...


  1. could it be possible that the terrible chain of events could be that the antichrist was born or isdoing this?

  2. another attack is being planned possibly next week or next month.. not too sure
