so my blog is kind of fullof negative. and as i am here alive i see soamny bad things happening. but its the mind, curse and the devil and the demons doing it too. so theres alot of negative things going on with my life and town. bad things happen around my town and other towns or in this case my family and facebook friends. i recorded alot of bad things to keep proves ofthese things. i keeprecords as my study of the bad things, fires, harm done. but thsi is my blog so welcome.

Friday, 30 November 2012

heres more of the gift im talking about

so look at these pictures and these are random people saying things about thier love one they lost..
ands heres the other one from november 29 2012..
thinking about this brought the other status using the mind. like thinking about this status and yet then it happens again and yet happens only if i think about it or forgot about it too.
heres the one that got the tow pictures above started. well i dont think they know eacchother and yet they never seeing eachothers statuses and yet the one above was posted and yet the other one way upper. so it like the mind doing it over and over. just likehow the death occurs every month. sothis is the powerful thoughts and mind doing it. but i dont know how it triggers but i do know negative towards me triggers a psychic attack or badluck to someone being negative to me and yet or someone that person is being negative to gets the bad luck. the only reason why myrandas aunty or grandpa died is because she said something about the witch and even franky calling the cops on me thats another reason why martha sutherland died. because when myranda said something about the witch i got really angry and yet very pissed.. so this happens the death of martha but this guy that accused me also caused her death..
look at the picture above and yet the picture below was the trigger of the picture about about a girl saying stupid chat box is being dumb.
so heres the picture few days back and yet the picture about the girl  sying the chat bow is being dumb. so tis picture about willow triggered the one about evadneys post.
now look at the picture below..
so look at the picture above and yet i was looking at the coffin and then i saw this guy on the coffin below the picture. and this is more like the gift and yet this gift is kind of useful and yet causing harm too and i know these things too because iknowthe paranormal and the gifts i have.. or more like demonic possession actually..
so asmy facebook freind liked this photo this is the photo he liked and yet i was reminded by the gift of seeing marthas coffin..
now look at this other picture.
and now this picture was taken yesterday but this post was on december 1 2012 and yet theres something elsein the picture below and yet the picture of the post said greyhound..
so there e got that my gift does. it would do anything even harm alot of people too. but only if i see alot of harmit would doit again. but it would relate tothings like this. if i were to think about someone dying i would see someone dying in a show, game, or reality. this is satans gift to me..
heres another picture below that relates to another picture just below.
my sister jade gets her eye injection and yet there was another female that was supposd to get a eye surgery and yet this siter of mines got her eyesurgery last month in november 2012.
so here someting you should see. my sister and harriet has the eye problem and yet they both went to greyhound bus in different days. so this is what i mean by the gift. its like a chain of things going on.
something else you should see..


  1. soheres the thing kermy keepstelling me im gonn dieand yet if he keeps saying this thatimma gonna get cancer it will happen soimma get rid of the sick fuck seriously.hes giving me seriously problem and atempted murder of black magick

  2. so heres walker.. falling and falling and falling and yet crying. falls for the time DAAAMMMEEEEE.. oh he fellon the floor around 8:20pm to 8:30pm of november 30 2012
