so my blog is kind of fullof negative. and as i am here alive i see soamny bad things happening. but its the mind, curse and the devil and the demons doing it too. so theres alot of negative things going on with my life and town. bad things happen around my town and other towns or in this case my family and facebook friends. i recorded alot of bad things to keep proves ofthese things. i keeprecords as my study of the bad things, fires, harm done. but thsi is my blog so welcome.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

the symbols i drew

i was bored soi drew these symbols and iwas bored so i decided to say a few things and yet heres another picture. soo when i drew these symbols i saw dogs on the road in the morning. and then as for this symbol i found out these symbols actually made this happen
and few hours later i saw a car in the ditch and this was kind of weird because of these symbols i drew on the ground while there was still snow alittle. but as i woke up after sleeping around 9am november 22 2012 there were more snow. oh im also fully aware the devil was aware of what was going on too but ill talk about that later. so the cops were there on the scene and i just watched the cars too and also i wanted to take a picture of the car in the ditch but it was too late they took it out. so you know magick is involve but i dont know a thing about magick and alli do is draw and write on these symbols. and something happens like i drew a symbols few days ago jeffrey jrs mother almost drinks hair spray, and then a day later i draw symbols again then someone named joseph dies. so me writing and drawing symbols are dangerous.

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