so my blog is kind of fullof negative. and as i am here alive i see soamny bad things happening. but its the mind, curse and the devil and the demons doing it too. so theres alot of negative things going on with my life and town. bad things happen around my town and other towns or in this case my family and facebook friends. i recorded alot of bad things to keep proves ofthese things. i keeprecords as my study of the bad things, fires, harm done. but thsi is my blog so welcome.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

so the devil im planning to lose

i have no idea what the devil will do if i plan to lose him but if i dont lose him now its gonna get worser as it is now. we got a sick old lady in the hospital too. but im in extreme anger too so i dont knowif i should lose the voices. the family of mines keeps telling me its the kid but they dont tell me right in my voice. and i know its not the voices because these people sound more different. but hres the thing ive been studying what the devil will do either ill get cancer, or blinded, or even worser the deaths may increase if i lose the voices. the devil says i have a important role to play about something and i cant tell you what. but heres what i heard they seeing jesus's arms in attawapiksat move twice. two months ago when a little boy died in timmins and they had his funeral in attawapiskat. it was marissas cousin and abrahams son. but what iive noticed is 6 of my facebook friends lost their love ones. one of them is my cousin,a guy named thomas, a girl named faith, and a man named abraham and marissa they are all my facebook  friend and they lost their love ones and cosuins, and grandfather, and son. and now were dealing with a old lady that has cancer and guess what? the guys in the house im in said shes not gonna die and they said a litle girl told them. but theres no little girl and the devil made them crazy because thats how they called me. these guys are nuts and the devil made alot of people crazy against me and most dont know it. like the guys against me that kept my theories a secret and that hidden it from other people. they say its jeffrey doing it but theyre only doing this to harm people. thats how they are these people. some people are evil and they deceive these people too. and they keepit secret from most people. they even claimed that theres a kid doing it. theyre doing everything in their power to keep this attack covered up. they lie to me, they lie to the family like the way jeffrey lied to frankie but not too sure. i am ittrukarce saladorce but im roman. anyways im planning to do so my work and ill continue my work even though if i lose the voices. and i believe that if i were to lose the voices the events that are terrible and repeatingly harming random people will stop. alot of people will just think im crazy but i have proof of this too. ill show you the five stores that makes a star. the stores are nates, akwans, and ables, kiokes, and marrys store but i was told that im crazy by some people even though i didnt say anything to them. heres the picture.
so be aware of these symbols. you can even see the F in the east side of town on the wooden stick that is high. its at my sisters street the F is drawn in red and its a fancy F too. but as you can see in the other street north east side of town just right beside my sisters street. in that street there were four places that was set on fire maybe five places set on fire. im only telling you whats based on what happened and based on whats treu and false and what i think. The F represents Fire. they burn these houses on purpose too. its like a game their playing. and they pissed me off so mcuh that they bring me this bullshit and i bring them bullshit. im only telling you guys whats based on my theories. maybe their not evil maybe the devil is using them. but the street im talking about where the F ius at is where the big brown house is at whee richard lives and you could see the F at the end of my sisters street. but richard said his girfriend saw a dark finger at her door and then weeks later she feels stomach pain. and also there was dj that almost broke his arm but he was hospitalized. and then heres another my old friends house actually got the paramadics in his house. all three of these people lives in the same street where the F was drawn. theres no denying that demons are doing this well no  enying for me. just think what satan will do if iwere to lose him. and thisis one dangerous game. but the devil also said its my mind doing it too. any thing i think about happens. but im just gonna doubt this.  thats about it for this post.

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