so my blog is kind of fullof negative. and as i am here alive i see soamny bad things happening. but its the mind, curse and the devil and the demons doing it too. so theres alot of negative things going on with my life and town. bad things happen around my town and other towns or in this case my family and facebook friends. i recorded alot of bad things to keep proves ofthese things. i keeprecords as my study of the bad things, fires, harm done. but thsi is my blog so welcome.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

the devil bugs benjamin while being christain

well as for benji he was talking about bible versuses and then this happened to him.. well the devil was bugging him because i dont know the devil was bored. this was kind of funny for me at the time the devil was bugging him few months back from november 25 2012. but thats not all. heres another picture you should see.
gets bad dreams for talking about versuses bible on me. this made me laugh and i wasnt serious at all. but hes bad dreams stopped and he has online friends now. but i had fun messing with him. but this is why the devil was bugging him.
now i remember ben telling me things about god and saying things on my statuses on  facebook. then george gotsick of it and was getting annoying and he said i hope god gives you nightmares and yet georges wish came true benny started getting nightmares and this was kind of silly for me because the devil was haunting benny. and yet i was watching him on facebook see what happens next. so hes no longer a christian ben because i dont know. he had dreams that were bad, and had no facebook friends online even though he had 197 friends online and this was kinda funny at the same time. so my work still grows and it just keeps on growing as istudy it. i have more info to talk about too. some information are crazy as unbelieveable.but i do learn alot of things as i study.
so look at this i took a video of this months back from november 2012..
i hope gods messagers give you nightmares and yet ben has nightmares lmao!

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